Learner engagement is a tough beast to tame. Granted. But let’s not forget that it’s not the end goal in itself. Read on to find out why, and what to focus on additionally.
Learner engagement is a tough beast to tame. Granted. But let’s not forget that it’s not the end goal in itself. Read on to find out why, and what to focus on additionally.
I’m always on the lookout for new tools to streamline work and make my life easier. I’ve compiled a list of the top ten tools that I use on a daily basis and I wanted to share them with you.
In this exclusive interview with Learnnovators, Cammy Bean shares her insights on the challenges she had faced in the past being an accidental instructional designer herself. She explains her views on how Artificial Intelligence is all set to revolutionize the way we design and deliver our learning solutions today. Cammy’s advice to learning designers on dealing with the disruptions getting triggered by AI, is highly thought-provoking.
This article delves into a few possible alternatives that could be proposed in lieu of a course.
This article takes you on a deep dive into the what and the why of learner personas. It also elaborates on how to obtain the information needed for creating those personas.
We have seen L&D teams pour their hearts into the creation of personas, often involving lengthy discussions and debates, only to have them sitting on a shelf, gathering dust. Don’t let that be you. This article delves into what should happen (or can happen) once your personas are defined.
A while ago, an AI tool called ChatGPT took the world by storm. This article dives into some of the ways that this tool can be used by learning designers.
A good employee onboarding program does more than just introduce them to the company’s vision and values. It helps them settle down quickly in their new role, and feel capable and confident in their ability to contribute to the success of the organization. Let’s explore some ideas for making your next onboarding a great one.
Getting employees to align with organizational values is not easy. This article explores ways to take your values training beyond a mere checkbox activity.
In L&D, personas are fictional learners that reflect real ones. We create them so we can better understand the aspirations and challenges of learners, and work towards creating a solution that better aligns with their needs. The term is borrowed from the world of marketing, which uses buyer personas. However, we’d do well to consider the implications for L&D and tweak it to suit our purpose, instead of adapting it directly from there.
There are some biases that are harder to spot than others because they almost characterize the thinking of the field itself. Design is conceived in the real world; it is practiced by people living in the real world. These minds are also educated in design and conditioned daily by the real world.
The power of hegemony is that even something with very limited applicability can be packaged as ‘universal’. You want to explore decolonizing instructional design? Start here with how we define, analyze and characterize people. It is a necessary act of epistemic rebellion to stop using these generational categorizations to describe our learners, as if these have any kind of universal validity.