“But what is it that you will do? I’m the one who’s going to give you all the content!”
“But what is it that you will do? I’m the one who’s going to give you all the content!”
As human beings, we’re wired to make decisions from the gut. But if we are part of any profession that requires making decisions (cue: nearly every profession), we have a responsibility to inform ourselves of the evidence-based practices in our field, and use that understanding to make decisions. This article explores when we should be deep diving into the principles, and when it’s okay to use our intuition for decision making.
This is about how we, the training industry, are being unwittingly used by unscrupulous corporates to enslave workers.
Oftentimes on social media, we come across posts perpetuating some learning myth or the other, followed by a fiery debate around people pointing it out as a myth, the original poster arguing for their position, and so on. But how can we, the L&D cohort, do better at convincing those people (such as the original poster) that what they believe in has been debunked? Read on to find out…
A bunch of researchers at MIT found a new, much more efficient way to boil water. I find their attitude incredibly inspiring. It’s giving me goosebumps, no kidding. Let me share that awe with you…
If you search online, you’ll see many articles that address how e-learning vendors should document the design brief. There’s not much help if you’re on the other side of the table and wondering how to get the best from a vendor you’re talking to. So, to help out, here are some tips we put together from our experiences!
Is learning amoral, absolutely removed from all ethical concerns? From the curricular choices an organization makes, to the expectations it sets for employee knowledge and expertise, there should be consonance with the overall ethical identity of the organization, because all of these actions have an ethical dimension.
“The days of looking for people with “deep levels of experience” are over – now we have to look for people with skills, ambition, and the ability to learn.”
An excerpt from this blog post by Josh Bersin, Global Industry Analyst and CEO of The Josh Bersin Company