Many a time, as learning designers, we tend to get into action without asking some basic questions.
Many a time, as learning designers, we tend to get into action without asking some basic questions.
There is a tendency to either place too much focus on Bloom’s Taxonomy verbs, or to discard the taxonomy altogether as not being useful.
My all-time favourite example of augmented reality has been reinvented.
I advocated the use of the 70:20:10 model by L&D professionals as a lens…
Is the 70:20:10 model still relevant today? I’m shocked by the results to this poll question…
70:20:10 has shone a spotlight on the limits of formal learning.
The role of a Community Manager is becoming well-established with communities being perceived as…
What is common across the learning modes and methods?
In this exclusive interview with Learnnovators, Ryan Tracey shares his insights on the future of learning.
What’s your learning style? Perhaps it’s based on your senses (auditory, tactile, visual); or…
Community Management is an evolving role and organizations are beginning to see the need for it…
In conversation at EduTECH earlier this year, Harold Jarche evoked George E. P. Box’s quote that…